Welcome to Super Scribes & Scribblers, featuring the writing and artwork of the students at Samuel Staples Elementary School. We are excited to share our work with you! Please understand that we are learning the rules of spelling and grammar and are trying the best we can.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Julianna W.
Hershey and Mars Need Changes
On Hershey’s website it says that in one Hershey’s milk chocolate bar there are 24 grams of sugar. There is 0% vitamin A and 0% vitamin C; the only good thing you get out of it is the taste. Some critics say that it’s not a lot of sugar, but it is because 24 grams equals 7 teaspoons of sugar. And, according to the American Heart Association, women are supposed to have only 6 teaspoons of sugar a day and men are only supposed to have 9 teaspoons. That’s already over the limit for women and close to the limit for men. The problem with Hershey's and Mars is that their prices can be too high for some, their candy has too much sugar, and they are not doing enough to stop the abusive cocoa farms. The U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services says that 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese. Anyone with a conscience should care about the topic; Hershey’s and Mars should make some changes. Hershey, with their 50 million dollar annual profit, can spend some money on fixing these problems and adding less sugar to their chocolate.
One reason these big candy companies should change their products is because they are high in sugar. In other words, they need to work to add the number of added sugars to the ingredient list on the back. There is 24g of sugar in one Hershey bar and that’s a lot! Renee Harp from the Environmental Working Group says, “Food makers know this will change how people choose their products, and it terrifies them. It terrifies them but it doesn’t make them want to stop.” Can you believe that the average human consumes three pounds of sugar each week? That is a lot! Some experts even call candy “The New Tobacco”. Lastly, a leading researcher claimed sugar is the biggest public health crisis in the history of the world. That must mean that sugar is just adding up, because why else would a leading expert claim it is a public health crisis! They shouldn’t take all of the sugar out because a small amount of sugar is part of a good diet. Instead of adding sugar, candy companies can add some fruit to their candies because fruit has sugar in it, has health benefits, and many people enjoy how it tastes.
Another reason that Hershey and Mars should change their candy is because 1.8 million children work on cocoa farms. In an article called “It’s a hard to fight to end child labor abuse on West Africa’s cocoa farms” the author says that if the problem was fixed kids would be able to eat their chocolate bar without knowing another child had to work for it. For example, children are kidnapped and forced to work on cocoa farms without pay. Also, cocoa companies offered 10 million dollars to fix the child abuse problems but it’s not enough money. 70% of cocoa comes from West Africa where about 1.8 million kids work on cocoa farms. In addition to these horrible things, the children have to spray harsh chemicals and use sharp machetes. Eliot Engel , a member of the democratic party, said, “How many people in America know that all this chocolate they are eating candies and all those wonderful chocolates are being produced by terrible child labor?” Most people don’t think about this crisis, but it is a big one that candy companies like Hershey and Mars should try to think about and fix.
Hershey and Mars should lower the prices of their products. A couple cents off wouldn’t hurt! People spend too much money on candy. For example, last year 12.6 billion dollars was spent on chocolate. That money could have gone to a good cause, but instead it was wasted on unhealthy food. Lots of money was also spent on holidays. 7.4 billion dollars was spent on Halloween candy and 90 million chocolate bunnies were sold for Easter. This proves that these companies should lower the prices because in total 29 billion was spent on candy itself. People surely have better things to spend their hard-earned money on than candy! Hershey’s announced an 8% price raise back in July. Mars also made a 7% price raise on its products, which include M&Ms and Snickers bars. Both candy creators blamed the increases on the cost of doing business. This is evidence from Kara Brandeisky’s article “4 Reasons Your Halloween Candy Just Got More Expensive”. These candy companies are too expensive, and Kara Brandeisky clearly wanted us to know that it was getting more expensive. The higher prices are not helping the people who don’t have much money to spare.
Hershey claimed that their chocolate was more nutritious than fruits. This may be true, but fruits aren’t unhealthy like their chocolate. It has natural sugar and it doesn’t have a lot of it. This fifth grade researcher can’t eat too much chocolate unless she wants a stomach ache. You can eat a lot of fruit or vegetables, get a good taste, and not have as much sugar. Hershey’s and Mars should not keep these candies as is. If you added more health benefits it would give more reasons to buy your products while doing good for your customers.
Jalen J.
Argument Writing
Did you know that a Hershey milk chocolate bar contains 24 grams of sugar and 13 grams of fat? Like many, this fifth grade researcher was astonished by the fact and felt the need to share the news. Though some would say that some sugar has a place in a healthy person's diet, after lots of research, this fifth grade expert can tell you too much is not good. In addition, according to Sarah Wassner, writer of The Scary Truth About Sugar, the average American consumes 3 pounds of sugar each week! You might wonder what makes up some of this sugar. Guess what! It’s candy! Actually, no matter how much money they have, most Americans will always spend their extra money on candy. The research is clear, from the sugar problems to extra money spending, Hershey and Mars should change their candies.
One reason Hershey and Mars should change their candies is because some of them don’t have cocoa. Cocoa has many health benefits that the growing companies should consider putting in other candies. For example, dark chocolate decreases risk of heart attack or stroke by 39%. Yay, for chocolate! This is important because if people eat just any candy without a little, or a lot, of dark chocolate, they’re just eating extra sugar and calories. I mean, you don’t want to die from heart attack or stroke, right! Also, an ingredient in chocolate, phenylethylamine, improves your mood. That explains why so many people like chocolate. It boosts your mood! Maybe, if you put more of it in chocolate , everybody will like your candy more and you’ll have better sales. It’s a win-win! In addition, chocolate increases blood flow and helps with loss of memory. Chocolate not only will make people excited and happy, it will make them healthy, too. Imagine eating a chocolate bar with absolutely no guilt because you know it has good things in it, like phenylethylamine, to make you healthy and happy!
Another reason that Hershey and Mars should change their candies is because they are using irresponsible manufacturing practices. For example, 1.8 million children are forced to work in West Africa to process the cocoa Mars and Hershey use. Many of them work in unsafe conditions. This is horrible! Why don’t they just have grownups make the cocoa? Adults will know how to properly manufacture the cocoa and they have more stamina and work ability. Using 1,800,000 children is just cruel. Some aren’t even safe there! This is a great example of why we should stop child labor. Actually, some of the kids are helping their parents, but some are ripped from their families, made to drop out of school, and have been kidnapped to work without pay. This is another reason these practices are so mean! Education and family is important; they shape children’s lives. Because of this, child labor is keeping them from a happy future. In addition, Tom Harkin, a U.S. Senator,, feels strongly about child labor in West Africa. He put into action the Harkin-Ensil protocol to stop Hershey and Mars from using child labor. Progress has been made using the Harkin-Ensil protocol, “But it has not come quickly enough.” Harkin says. He is putting pressure on the huge candy companies to stop what they are doing and it might be working. But Harkin said in his statement that the progress hasn’t come quickly enough. In other words, he thinks it might be too late to stop child labor. In order to let the companies keep making the candies we love without hurting anyone, we need to stop them from using child labor. Now.
Finally, Mars and Hershey need to change their candies because they have sugar. According to a study in the journal BMC Public Health, sugar is the only cause of tooth decay in kids and adults. Did you hear that! The only cause of tooth decay is sugar. Can you imagine all those poor children eating delicious candy not even knowing it’s the main cause of their cavities! These candy companies need to cut down on sugar. According to scientist Nicole Avena, ”The more sugar we eat, the more we want.” You might not believe it, but it’s true. Sugar contains dopamine which triggers a reward system in the brain that makes us want more of it. Imagine getting that tooth decay and wanting more sugar! That’s lots of dental problems; think about how horrible your teeth will end up! In addition, fructose, half of normal table sugar, only contributes to weight gain. All this sugar not only is bad for your teeth, but they also make you fat. That is really bad for you! Imagine if you ate a Hershey Bar a week, you would gain about 52 grams of fat a month just from that Hershey Bar! Probably the most important reason Hershey and Mars need to cut down sugar is that the American Heart Association recommends only 4 teaspoons of sugar a day, but there are more than 4 teaspoons of sugar in most candy! Specifically, there are 5 teaspoons (25 grams) of sugar in a York Peppermint Patty and 6 teaspoons (30 grams) in a small package of M&M’s. A handful of tiny little circles causing maybe 2 or 3 cavities! This is a big problem. If Mars and Hershey are going to put 30 grams of sugar into 17 little circles as big as your fingernail, their sugar obsession needs to stop.
Hershey and Mars might say that the child labor in West Africa is being worked on and that they have made progress. But forcing 1.8 million children to do something unwillingly and without pay is unforgivable and unbelievably cruel. Besides, according to Tom Harkin, the “progress” they claim hasn’t come quickly enough. My personal experience supports my argument. My family and I have had lots of experience with dental work. We’ve dealt with expanders, bars, headgear, bands, and braces. We all know how bad sugar and cavities are for your health and to learn so many bad things about candy is really upsetting. The evidence is clear: if we are going to enjoy our treasured candy, we need to make some changes first!
Gia G.
Can you believe that Americans eat an average of 22 pounds of candy each year, split almost equally between candy and chocolate? Unfortunately, eating this much candy can have the effect of kids gaining weight and becoming obese. Even though some would argue that's not the case, after intense research, this expert would say that is indeed the case. In fact, there need to be limits on how much candy the average kid consumes because it leads to obesity. In addition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years, putting children at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Clear evidence shows that Hershey and Mars, two major American candy companies, should change their candies in order to benefit the health of all Americans.
One reason Hershey and Mars should change their candy is because of the marketing techniques they use. For example, have you ever noticed that candy is at eye level for kids? Kids will spot the delicious treats and beg for the candy, and when the mother/father has had enough, he/she will finally just say to put it in the cart. Also, calories should be put in bolder text on candy wrappers and other unhealthy food items. Nutrition expert Marion Nestle said food companies may object. They really don't want you to "know how much sugar there is,” she said. This quote from Marion Nestle proves that companies may disagree, but it’s best for our health to have more obvious information about what we are eating. You'll be shocked to learn that Americans spend more than 8.8 billion dollars a year on candy. This amount of money is not right for people to be spending on candy! There are so many other worthwhile things people could be spending their money on. Even though candy is not expensive, people also need to consider that it’s bad for your teeth and health. Marketing should be changed so it is not targeting kids!
Another reason why Mars and Hershey should change these candies is because of the lack of nutrition in candy. For example, too much added sugar is bad for your health. Eating too much candy leaves unhealthy substances in your body, such as sugars and fats. Science shows that too much sugar of any type in your diet can lead to cavities, weight gain, and overall poor nutrition, especially if the sugary foods are taking the place of foods containing nutrients and vitamins. Also, sugary alcohol should be added to more sugary foods such as candy because sugar alcohols are low-calorie sweeteners that affect blood sugar less than other carbohydrates, which can make them useful as a weight loss aid. I know you're thinking sugar alcohol in candy? But there is no real alcohol in candy. In addition, when you take a big bite out of a gooey, yummy Twix, dopamine is being released and makes you want more, and the next thing you know, you ate the Twix right up and bought another one. Clearly, that is not the best choice! When the sugar reaches your stomach it jump starts your body into a sugar rush. The evidence is clear: we need more nutrition in candy.
The last area in which changes need to be made is regarding how Hershey and Mars are manufacturing their candy. For example, child labor hasn't stopped on cocoa farms. Even though cocoa companies offered $10 million to stop child labor, it didn't work; Hershey and Mars need to do better. First of all, there are no child labor rules in West Africa and many other places where the cocoa used in chocolate is grown. The work on cocoa farms is dangerous and prevents kids from a bright future. A future is the most important part of life. As if child labor wasn’t enough, Hershey and Mars also add artificial coloring to their products. Did you know that the amount of food dye Americans consume is crazy? We Americans are eating 5x as much food dye as we did in 1955. Food dye is not good for the body unless it is naturally made. (Natural food dye is made with fruit for the color.) As you might imagine to be the case, when some kids eat too much artificial food coloring, they feel weird. The dangers of artificial dyes are often an issue in food safety, with many claiming them to be toxic and a factor to the rise of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in recent years. ADHD is a common condition that affects kids and and can continue into adulthood. 3% to 5% of children have ADHD. In addition to artificial dye, the U.S.A uses red 40 and yellow 5 and a lot of other types of food dyes too. In other countries like the U.K., food producers use pumpkins, carrots and other foods to make natural red food dye. The U.S.A., especially Mars and Hershey, should start making natural food dye instead of toxic food dye. This food dye problem has to stop. Even more importantly, the child labor problem has to stop. If we can make this manufacturing better it would be great. Can you imagine every time you bite into a Hershey's or a Mars chocolate bar you think of child labor? That’s a serious problem, and it needs to stop. It is clear that Hershey and Mars have some serious work to do in the area of improving the manufacturing of their candy.
Critics like Hershey and Mars executives will argue that their marketing is perfectly fine and that there are plenty of nutrients in their products, or maybe even that their manufacturing is okay. But after intensive research, this fifth grader knows the truth: it really isn't. While Hershey and Mars might be right in some ways, in others they are not. There are many health crises from sugar and artificial dyes, like diabetes and ADHD. ADHD is a big problem you might have to face, all from sugar. Don’t increase the risk of getting diabetes or ADHD just from a little sugar. Personal insider experience supports this claim. This fifth grader looks for the eye level candy and will eat it all up... and this newly sugar conscious eater has gone through so many cavities, it’s not funny. Candy should not be at eye level for kids: that proves that Hershey and Mars are using irresponsible marketing techniques.The evidence is overwhelmingly clear: steer clear from Hershey and Mars products until they change their candy!
David M.
Argument Essay
Critics argue that there are some health benefits in candies, but there really are not. Added sugar is not good for you no matter what you say. If you don't know where sugar can be found, look in candies. They are absolutely loaded with sugar. Guess how much sugar is in a York peppermint patty? 25 grams of sugar! That's like drinking a Coke. Did you know that in Africa there are cocoa farms where kids work for with no pay? Surprisingly, some of the kids there are as young as five years old. There are so many flaws about eating candies. Another one is that you can get cavities from eating too much sugar. The number one main problem with kids’ tooth decay is that they had too much sugar. The cost of dental issues in 2009 was 30.6 billion dollars. That's crazy! Also, when you eat sugar, a chemical reaction is released called dopamine and dopamine is the part of sugar that makes you addicted and glucose is in sugar and that is the main source of our body’s energy. But there also is another part called fructose which is not important to the body at all, and it is not good for our bodies either because it can not be processed by the liver, so it acts like fat. It is clear that my side outweighs the other opposing sides because there are so many more important reasons why sugar is not good for you and these are just a few. These candy companies should not only shut down, but they also should apologise to all of the kids in Africa who are getting forced to work on their cocoa farms.
The first reason these candies should be discontinued is that all of the added sugar is very bad for our health. Can you imagine all of the added sugar we eat in a year? Just one York peppermint patty has 25 grams of sugar and we eat way more than just one peppermint patty per year. Research shows that these candies don't have all of the nutrients that we need to make our bodies strong. One peppermint patty had 25 grams of sugar when the American Heart Association recommends 4 grams. As a matter of fact, fructose cannot be processed by the liver so it acts like fat, but the body’s main form of energy is glucose.
The next reason these candies should be discontinued is that all of the sugar in candy is not good for our dental health. For example, if you eat too much sugar, you will get cavities. That’s why kids don’t want to go to the dentist--because they are afraid that they are going to have to get their tooth drilled. The main tooth decay problem with kids is that they are eating too much candy and getting Twizzlers stuck in their teeth. Amazingly, in 2009 the cost of kids’ dental problems was 30.6 billion dollars. That’s crazy because imagine all of the families who are not very rich and meanwhile they have to pay for all of the dental problems.
Lastly, there are kids in Africa who are being forced to work on cocoa farms and they are not even getting paid. These are the cocoa farms where major candy companies like Hershey and Mars grow the cocoa for their chocolate products. On these farms, the kids are not allowed to go to school and they don’t even have any education. One fascinating thing about this is that the kids are from 5 years old to 16. Some of them probably won't go to college because there is not enough time to catch up on all of the work that they missed. You will be shocked to learn that next time you eat a chocolate bar there is a 70% chance that the chocolate that you are eating came from the kids in Africa working on the cocoa farm.
All of these candy companies may say that their candies are doing no harm to us, and while that may be true, just look at all of the people with type two diabetes. How did they get that from eating healthy foods? Probably not...but if they were to discontinue these candies none of these problems would have happened. Also, with Reese’s peanut butter there are some kids that are young and are allergic to peanut butter, so they could die. Also if I were to ask you if you have ever gotten a cavity, you probably will say that you have, and as stated before, the main problem in dental health with kids is from sugar. The evidence is clear that it outweighs all of the other opposing sides because there are not as much health benefits as there are for how bad the added sugar is for you. There are just so many reasons why sugar is not good for you that it is impossible to prove this side wrong.
Claudia M.
Discontinue The Candies
Can you believe that over a million Americans buy and consume candy nearly every day? And the worst part is, that the way companies manufacture their candies is unhealthy! Hershey and Mars companies believe that they will change how they manufacture, and it’s fine that people buy their candies. After intense research, this expert researcher has realized what’s really going on with those candy companies. In fact, over $4 billion dollars is spent on candy each year. The ingredients used to make candy are full of calories. Eating too many calories every day results in weight gain if you cannot burn them off. An average of 40 percent of the sugar people consume is stored in the body as fat. People shouldn’t even eat sweets! The research is clear: between consuming sugar and spending money, there is no benefit to people buying and eating candy. Therefore, companies like Hershey and Mars should discontinue their sweets.
One reason Hershey and Mars should discontinue their candies is because they are not good for your health. For example, if you eat too much candy there is a chance of getting diabetes. All that unnecessary sugar builds up in your body. You wouldn’t want that! ¨It (eating candy) would make a lot of people happy, but it would also make them unhealthy,¨ warns expert Martha Small, who is also director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Columbia. Plus, inside milk chocolate, as well as many other types of candies, there lie unhealthy saturated fats. Particular saturated fats raise the level of cholesterol in your blood. High levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol in your blood increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. As if this wasn’t bad enough, Hershey and Mars also add unnecessary sugars inside candy for people to enjoy the taste of it. Added sugars (like sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) contain a whole bunch of calories with no essential nutrients. In addition, a chemical called fructose is in candy. What it does is it goes into the liver and acts like fat. Finally, scientist Nicole Avena says, ¨Make good healthy decisions from a young age.” This is important because when you start earlier it’s easier to not have to deal with bad eating habits.
Another reason Hershey and Mars should stop making candy is because people waste all their money on candy. For example, commonly people who don’t have a lot of money go to stores and buy candy because it’s very cheap. Those people will not be reaching the nutrition that they need, and instead, they’ll just have high amounts of sugar inside their body. In addition, in 2012 12.6 billion dollars was spent on candies! This is almost double the amount of the world population! In fact, Americans spend over 18.6 million dollars on Valentine’s Day candies. When you think about it, Valentine’s is only one day, and we can spend over a million dollars! It’s a bit crazy, don’t you think? Plus, consumers spend around $6.86 billion dollars on Halloween candy. It’s truly surprising to know that Americans can spend that much money on candy for a single holiday. And to imagine, most people don’t even eat it all! A survey conducted by the National Retail Federation showed that, “An average of about $72 per American is spent on candy.” That's nearly as much as we spend on groceries!
The last reason for Hershey and Mars to discontinue their candies is because of how they manufacture their sweets. For example, the companies get rid of the natural ingredients inside cocoa and other sweets, so you're not getting enough nutrition. You're basically eating fake sugars and dyes. In fact, cocoa is bitter so companies put a lot of unnecessary sugars to sweeten it. If cocoa is super bitter, imagine how much sugar companies put into candies to sweeten it up? Plus, 1.8 million children are forced to work on cocoa farms in Africa. To make it even worse, you’ll be shocked to learn that many children who work on cocoa farms are stolen from their families, they aren’t able to attend school, and they work every day. It’s crazy how children can be treated like that!
Some people disagree and say that Hershey and Mars shouldn’t discontinue their candies, saying that candy is actually good for you. While there may be some truth to that, most research proves that candy is not good for you at all. For example, it has high amounts of sugar, and it’s bad for your health. Personal, insider experience supports this claim. This fifth grade author has loved candy for many years of her life. Consequently, one day she found a cavity in her mouth. Of course candy was the source causing tooth decay. So now she cuts down on sugary sweets, and watches for what's inside her foods. The evidence is clear: candy is no way of taking care of your body. So let’s get Hershey and Mars to stop producing those tempting goodies, cut down on sweets, and make your body happy by eating healthy foods!
Makena W.
November 31, 1620
Dear Diary,
Good day! My name is Modesty Williams, perchance my future grandchildren will see this diary someday! I am 12 years of age and will be 13 years on July 28. Thee must know that I have long and straight red hair and green eyes and have many freckles. Green eyes and red hair are very unusual in my colony so I stand out very much! Clearly with a name like mine, Mother thought for sure I would be modest like she was when she was a child. Boy was she wrong!
Thee might be wondering where I come from. My family lived in England. My brother Cyrus and I were born there! Cyrus is six years old. All of this stuff goes in one ear and out the other. Early in the sixteen hundreds the King of England said that everyone in England had to belong to the Church of England. My parents did not agree! On September 6, 1620 the Mayflower set off from England with people seeking religious freedom from the Church of England (1,Plimouth.org). We are called Separatists. The Mayflower arrived in Cape Cod on November 11,1620 and settled in Plymouth after a rough month of exploring Cape Cod (2, nps.gov).
On the Mayflower I met a very special person. Her name is Primrose Evans. She is twelve years old and is very generous. We have been very close ever since we met! I am so thankful I have such a good friend to explore this New World with me.
Cornelia and Bartholomew are my parents’ names and Phoebe is my grandmother’s name. They take good care of Cyrus and me. My parents work full time, my mother being a milliner and my father being a blacksmith! My mother has to mend clothing and sell a variety of overgarments (3,Colonial Times A to Z) and my father is busy all day shoeing horses and and forging red-hot iron into an assortment of tools (4,The Blacksmiths). Cyrus is at school in the morning and has a list of tasks to finish at midday. I have to do tasks around the house and then at midday I am free to play and read my books. Grandmother enjoys making me poppets! I like to play with poppets!
Cyrus and I always find time to play around the house or outside! We enjoy playing ball and singing “London Bridge Is Falling Down”(5, If You Lived In Colonial Times). Perchance we have many tasks to do around the house but we always find time to play (6, If You Lived In Colonial Times). I always find time to tell stories to Cyrus and read to him at midday! I enjoy reading very much! He and I tend our books so they don’t get damaged! Even though Cyrus is not out of Dame School yet he is quite good at reading! We get along well and love spending time with each other.
I really threw that all onto you of a sudden! Must fetch some eggs from the chickens now! The work of a colonist is never done (7, If You Lived In Colonial Times)! Of a sudden there is much I would like to say but I will write again another day!
Fare thee well,
Modesty Williams
Bianca J.
Discontinuing Hershey’s and Mars Candies
Can you believe that the average American consumes up to 10 to 12 teaspoons of sugar every 7 hours? Or that the average American eats 130 pounds of added sugar each year? According to sources, candy is one of the top foods you can eat with sugar in it that can give you the problem of getting heart problems, diabetes, cancer, or more risks. Executives of Hershey and Mars will probably disagree with this statement, but after a lot of research, this 5th grader definitely disagrees with Hershey and Mars and agrees that you should not eat candy because it is high in sugar. Did you also know that sugar can change the way your heart pumps and can also increase the risk of getting heart disease? Now since you know, it’s clear: Hershey and Mars should STOP making their candies, and that it is unhealthy for your body.
One reason Hershey and Mars should discontinue their production of candy is because of the candy’s high fat and sugar content. To start off, fructose which is in chocolate and other sweet treats, behaves like fat in the liver. This means that if you have a lot of candies your liver can be filled with fat which is unhealthy. In particular, dark chocolate is said to be healthy, but it also has a lot of fat and sugar in it. In other words, dark chocolate is fatty and full of sugars that can give you a lot of sickness risks. Dietitian Cassie Bjock from Healthy Life says, “When you eat processed carbs like breads, pasta, cakes, some candies and cereals, your blood sugar spikes much faster and higher, causing inflammation in everything from your blood vessels and brain to your joints and guts.” This states that having processed carbs can lead your body into being in danger. Next, having a lot of sugar is bad for the heart and can cause heart risks. Finally, sugar and candy have a chemical that makes you want more, just like nicotine. To follow, when you have more and more candy, sugars and fat can take over your body causing your body to be unhealthy too.
Another reason that Hershey and Mars should discontinue their candies is because huge amounts of money have been spent on candy. First, for 2012’s Halloween, $12.6 billion were spent on chocolate. That’s a lot for a couple dollar treats, but that’s not all! In addition, even when people don’t have enough money to spare, they buy candy. This shows that people sure love candies enough to spend their lasts bits of money on it, even though they know it’s filled with fat, sugar, and more unhealthy substances. Also, even when people reduced their overall spending, and the economy was in a recession, candy businesses still earned lots of money. In other words, even in a difficult economy, people are still spending money on candy, and candy companies are still making money. Lastly, Halloween and Valentine’s Day are the two holidays where candy is purchased in the highest quantities. Millions of dollars are spent on these holidays. The reason for this it that people spend a lot on non nutritious foods on these two holidays.
The next reason that these candy companies should discontinue their products is because the manufacturing on cocoa farms includes irresponsible practices. Can you believe that 1.8 million children are forced to work on cocoa farms in Africa? Well, believe it. This is important because many kids are working day and night just so we can eat sugary chocolate. In addition, these children who work on the farms are either helping families do the job or they are being separated from them. This proves that every child wouldn’t want this to happen to them and that this is child labor. Also, they might have even been kidnapped or departed from their education just to work on cocoa farms! The poor children aren’t even given any pay! Working all day for no pay? Fortunately, progress has been made in stopping child labor on the farms ever since the Harkin-Engel Protocol was signed in 2001. “But, it hasn’t come quickly enough,” said Tom Harkin of Iowa. This concludes that it will probably take a long time for child labor on the cocoa farms to stop.
Critics argue that candy such as dark chocolate has many health benefits and can help you from getting heart risks or cancer. Even though this may be true, dark chocolate and other candies are high in fat and sugar. Additionally, candies have many unhealthy ingredients such as fructose, which is in candy and other sweets, and which behaves like fat that sits in your liver. Who would want that inside your body just from eating candy? Personal, insider experience supports this claim. Whenever this fifth grader eats candy, she look at the nutrients and ingredient label to see how much sugar is in it and how much saturated and trans fat is in it. There’s a lot! Additionally, a chemical in sugar as powerful as nicotine sets off and makes you want more even though you know it’s unhealthy. After this expert eats a lot, she has stomach aches. This concludes that candy is very bad for you, and that Hershey and Mars should, again, STOP making their products.
Filip D.
April 13, 1612
Dear Diary,
Good day!
My name is Jared Scott Goldwell. I was born in England on February 11, 1600. I am 12 years old now and I think I am a pretty funny and good looking fellow. I decided to write a diary about my life in my new home - the colony of Jamestown in America.
My father, Cyrus Goldwell, is a merchant and trades goods between America and England. My mother, Lydia Goldwell, is taking care of the house, runs the farm and takes care of me and my siblings. I have a sister Phoebe, age 5, brothers Solomon, age 8, and Phineas, age 11. I am the oldest child.
My family and I sailed from England to America on my father’s merchant ship. We arrived in 1610 as part of the new settlers’ group, led by our new governor Lord Delaware. When we arrived the colony was in a desperate need of help and supplies, after the “Starving Time,”that lasted between 1609 and 1610. After some initial hardships in the new land, my father finally established tobacco trading business, working with John Rolfe.
The past two years spent in the colony have been very interesting and I am sure more adventures lie ahead. That is why I decided to start this diary and to share all of my adventures in America.
Good tidings,
May 1, 1612
Dear Diary
Today was a very busy day. After I was done with my chores around the farm and came back from the store, I went to play outside with my brother, Phineas. He had a great idea to play Indians and Guards. I, being the older brother, decided that he was the Indian with a bow and arrow and I was the guard with a musket. I used my pop gun to be my musket (1, If You Lived in Colonial Times). Phineas was not too happy, but he was really good at pretending to be an Indian, climbing the trees (2, IYLICT) and practicing animal sounds.
Phoebe usually plays with Solomon.Today they played inside the house. She played with her rag doll (2, IYLICT). Solomon loves marbles (3, IYLICT). He cried the other day because he lost one of his favorite ones. We all had to help him look for it. It turned out that it rolled all the way underneath the kitchen cabinet. I borrowed Phineas’s stick for his hoop (4, IYLICT) to get the marble out of there.
My siblings and I can’t wait for father to be back from his trip to Boston. As a gift for us, he promised to bring us a kite. I was day dreaming today of running with it through the fields and watching it go high up in the sky.
Dear God, please watch over father and bring him home safely….
Samantha N.
My Mom
My mom is the Earth
She is the sun brightening my day
She is the grass helping me grow up
She is the ocean flowing me in the right path
She is a humming bird, humming me a song
She is a tree taking care of all her little leaves
She is my best friend, we are a team
My mom is the Earth
Luke V.
My mom is the Milky Way Galaxy
She is the stars shining so bright, lighting up my life
She is the planets circling the sun, keeping me on time and on track
She is the constellations making legends, guiding me on my path
She is the dust in the galaxy, she is everywhere, permeating my life
She is the sun, the main source of light in the solar system, lighting up my days
She is the moon,illuminating our restful, healthy slumber
She is the solar system; she is the second most important part of the Milky Way, but the most important part of my life
My mom is the Milky Way Galaxy
Gabriel P.
She is a tall tree surrounded by other family trees,
but stands out from all the rest
She has bark as strong as graphene, the strongest metal in the world, shielding me from harm
I am her sapling, still growing to be strong and tall like my mother to one day shield my own saplings and create a family forest for my mother.
Jenna D-G.
My Mother
My mother is a book
She is the words telling me good advice
She is the pages flipping over the bad days and going on to the good days
She is the hard cover protecting us from harm
She is the chapters moving on to our next event
She is the characters always happy never sad
She is the good ending, always ending every day bravely
My mother is a book
John F.
My Mom Is A Spaceship
Her Rocket's Blasting Me With Joy And Giving Me Advice
Her Fuel Tanks Giving Me Energy And Happiness
Her Pilot Steering Me In The Right Direction
Her Windows Keeping An Eye On Me So I Make The Right Choices
Her Launch Pad Shooting Me With Love Every Time I See Her
Her Launch Pad Shooting Me With Love Every Time I See Her
My Mom Is A Spaceship
Kate R.
In Jamaica World, my dog and I swim in the pool.
It is hot,
and I go on the waterslide all day. It is fun!
Alex S.
In Star Wars Pokemon World, I capture Pokemons.
There are many suns that keep my world nice and warm.
There are many suns that keep my world nice and warm.
Luke L.
In St. Croix World, I scuba dive all day. I find sea glass
and sand dollars.
My transportation is the Millennium Falcon.
My transportation is the Millennium Falcon.
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