Welcome to Super Scribes & Scribblers, featuring the writing and artwork of the students at Samuel Staples Elementary School. We are excited to share our work with you! Please understand that we are learning the rules of spelling and grammar and are trying the best we can.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Sofia A.

Help the Panda Bears!

Panda bears are currently in danger. They may go extinct because of starvation. Regular bamboo is easy to find. The hardest bamboo to find is arrow bamboo. Pandas eat arrow bamboo. Arrow bamboo is dying off. This hard to find plant only grows every sixty years. It will grow again in ten more years.

A solution that pandas have figured out is to eat other food. Panda bears now occasionally eat leaves, plants, and other greens. So, now they don’t die of starvation anymore because they are finding different things to eat. They also eat berries, fungi, flowers, fruit, grass, bark, bird’s eggs, and insects. So that is a solution to help stop the extinction of panda bears.

Another problem is that pandas are being killed and their habitat is being destroyed. Panda bears are killed for their valuable skin and sometimes their own meat. Bamboo is being cut down because people use it to make decor in houses and to make houses. Some people are making charitable foundations to not kill pandas. Also, people are against making houses and decor out of bamboo.

Help save the Pandas!

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