Welcome to Super Scribes & Scribblers, featuring the writing and artwork of the students at Samuel Staples Elementary School. We are excited to share our work with you! Please understand that we are learning the rules of spelling and grammar and are trying the best we can.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Christian J.
You should
go to St. Thomas because it’s quiet. It is also warm and so much fun. There is
so much to do there. There are many beaches, and it is so beautiful. There are
condos and places with very pretty views. There are pools, and the ocean water
is clear and really blue. Did you know that there is also wildlife on St.
Thomas Island? For example, you might even see an iguana! There are amazing
palm trees with real coconuts. The weather there is so sunny and so warm--you
will never, ever see snow or blizzards! Best of all, there are many good things
to eat and drink. You should go to St. Thomas for your next vacation! Jump on
the plane! Have a fun trip!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Heather P.
That sunset so bright,
nothing can beat that daytime light.
The sun doesn’t like to fight with night.
Silly sun, you are lots of fun.
Nothing can beat your light.
Stephan T.
Ch. 1 How to Make a New World
Ch. 2 First Day
Ch. 3 Mining Ores/Different Types of Ores
Ch. 4 What Types of Monsters There Are
Ch. 5 Structures
Chapter 1
How To Make a New World
When you press single player and new world there will be world name, more options,creative and survival and if you go on more world options there are cheats like /gamemode /xp, seeds and lava lakes and lava oceans. In superflat world the whole world is flat but lots of villages and bonus chests will give you some stuff.
Chapter 2
First Day
On your first day you will end out with nothing and will have to punch a tree with button 1. To get into the inventory press E and put the wood where there is a blank 2 by 2. You get planks and use the planks to make a crafting table. A crafting table is something that you make stuff in.
How to make a saddle
You can look at all of the Minecraft crafting recipes gust tip that link in.
That is all of the recipe.The sun is setting you have two options if you are by a village go into one of the houses or dig a tiny hill that is three blocks high. Dig it four by four. In the morning make a little house six by six. When that is done go kill three sheep then put wood on the bottom and the wool on the top.
Chapter 3
Mining Ores/Different Types of Ores
If you want to go mining then you need a wood pic then a stone, iron, gold, diamond if you mine certain ore with the wrong pix you won’t get the ore but after you have diamond you can mine anything but bedrock. It is indestructible but in creative, ender bedrock is a void.
There are 7 different types of ores: coal, iron, gold, diamond, emerald and netherrack.
Chapter 4
What Type Of Monsters There Are
There are 21 monsters in Minecraft there are 6 monster in the nether the rest are in the overworld creepers explode so look out for them they can blow up anything but obsidian.One of the nether mobs are zombie pig men if you hit one they all come after you. Magemame cubs are from the nether and the same as a slime.
Chapter 5
There are 8 structures. Three are temples, two are villages, the rest are mine shaft, ender stronghold, and nether fortress.The ender stronghold is where you go into the end and kill the Ender Dragon. The mine shaft is just a mine shaft. Nether fortress is in the nether. Temples are deadly with traps, so be carefull! Some of the traps are TNT and arrow traps.
Carter J.
Rob Gronkowski
Rob Gronkowski is a impressive tight end for the New England Patriots. He is also a good record breaker. Read on and you will see how he got drafted by the New England Patriots and his career highlights and fun facts.
It was the second round in the 2010 NFL Draft. the New England Patriots were on the clock when all of a sudden the speaker came up and said, "Ánd for the 2010 NFL Draft, the Patriots select Rob Gronkowski." On July 25, 2010, he signed a $4.4 million and a $1.76 million signing bonus. He was 42nd overall in the draft.
Rob Gronkowski has had a amazing career! Since the year of 2010 he has had 54 touchdowns. In 2013, he had an average of 15.2 points scoring a game. He has played 54 games as a Patriot. He is the youngest player to score 3 Touchdowns in a game! Rob has the most touchdown receptions by a tight end. He has the most offensive Touchdowns in his first 2 seasons: 28 touchdowns.
Gronk is getting the most paid as a tight end in the NFL. Also a signing bonus $8 million. Gronk is in the Pro Hall of Fame with 54 games the only player to reach the milestone. Gronkowski is a sponsor of Dunkin' Donuts.
In conclusion, Rob Gronkowski is a impressive tight end for the New England Patriots. Now that you know how he got drafted, his career highlights, and fun facts, You too know how incredible Rob Gronkowski is.
What team does Rob Gronkowski play for?
A. New York Jets.
B. New York Giants.
C. New England Patriots.
D. Seattle Seahawks.
Taitlyn E.
Dear Ms. Whalen,

I think you should read The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket because it’s full of surprises. One reason you should read The Miserable Mill is because it has interesting characters. Another reason is because there is a mysterious letter that they don’t know who wrote and that person is who they will be staying with. Here is another reason is because there is a really sad part. Read more to see if you want to read this book.
One reason you should read The Miserable Mill is because it's a mystery. They are trying to find out who their new owner is. The only thing that they found was a note that said…
To: The Baudelaire orphans
From: Lucky Smells Lumber Mill
Subject: Your arrival
You will probably like this because it is a mystery. I was surprised when they didn’t meet their new owner right away. You will probably wonder many questions about who their new owner is. It is mysterious to wonder what type of person would make children work at a lumber mill? I feel that the kids were scared to meet their new owner.
This book has interesting characters. They recently met Charles, he gave them a peach to share. At Charles’ house they found out that Charles is the assistant boss. Also who they are or might be staying with, THE BOSS. They made a deal that if they work a couple of years he will give them food, shelter, a stick of gum for lunch, and he will protect them from Count Olaf.
This is a great story because it revolves around their parents. The fire killed their parents and now they are traveling to many relatives houses to see if they are the right houses for them. Their house burnt all the way to the ground. The first house count Olaf's house it was a dark mysterious house with many eyes all around. They have visited many other houses with many other problems with count Olaf in many other disguises. But it is changing for now at Lucky Smells Lumber Mill.
I think you should read Lucky Smells Lumber Mill because it is full of surprises. There is a mystery, it has interesting characters, and there is a sad story about their parents. I like this book because it is about the 3 Baudelaires and their adventures.
Your favorite student,
Taityn E.
Alli F.
The Giving Tree
The tree is weak. I think the tree is weak because the tree won't even bother to tell the boy no when he is taking all her leaves, branches, and her trunk. An example was when the boy ate all her apples she didn't tell him to pick up the cores off the ground. Lastly, when the tree started to talk about the boy she started to lean over.
All the things he did wrong were climbing up her trunk. That was really bad. Say the tree is your grandma- would you run up to them and climb them? Also, another wrong thing he did was he carved a heart that said Me + T in it. I know that seems cute but it is not. That is like putting a permanent tattoo on someone. When the boy was older the love when the boy was younger that love died.
The tree loved to see the boy every day. Every day the boy comes running with his hands in the air, but sometimes the boy can be mean to the tree. One time the boy ate apples from the tree and then just dropped it on the ground like it was a piece of trash.
In the beginning of the book, the tree wasn't talking about the boy. On the next page it talks about the boy and the tree is leaning. That shows the boy is weak. If the tree was strong it would have been up straight. The tree is weak because she didn't have the strength to tell him NO to the boy. Also, each page the tree was leaning more and more. Also she would have asked to call the boy to play with her.
I think the tree is weak. I think the tree is weak because the tree won’t even stand up for herself and say NO. Also, when the boy just threw the apples on the ground. When the tree talked about the boy she started to lean. I believe the tree is weak.
Lilly W.
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is a great role model. In this article, you will earn all about when she started to became famous, when she became famous, fun facts and her current success!! Read on to find out about this amazing role model.
Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania to her parents Andrea Finlay and Scott Swift. Taylor had an interest in musical theater and began performing in productions for the Berks Youth Theatre Academy. Soon, Taylor was interested in country music and sometimes she performed in local festivals. She won a local competition with a performance of LeAnn Rime’s “Big Deal.” Taylor Swift’s mom wanted to name her Taylor because if you see her name on a business card, you wouldn’t know if she was a boy or a girl. A computer repairman taught her how to play three chords on the guitar when she was 12, and came out with the song “Lucky You.” Taylor Swift grew up on a Christmas tree farm in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Taylor Swift is a singer-songwriter. She grew up in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania Taylor then moved to Nashville, Tennessee, when she was 14 to pursue a career in country music. Taylor was inspired to sing by her grandmother Marjorie Finlay who was an opera singer. All the steps she took when she was young, really paid off when she started to become famous.
In 2012, Taylor Swift voiced Audrey in The “Lorax”. In 2010, she was in the movie “Valentine’s Day”. She also wrote original music for a few films, too- including “The Hunger Games”. Taylor Swift met her best friend Selena Gomez backstage at a Jonas Brothers concert. When Taylor Swift was 12, she wrote a 350 pages long novel while she was on vacation. Her favorite musicians were: Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Tim Mcgraw, the Dixie Chicks, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette and Dolly Parton. When she started to become famous she got bigger and bigger all over the world.
Taylor Swift’s net worth is around $200 million. Taylor has 5 albums out right now including Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, and 1989. Taylor Swift’s Rhode Island house costs $17 million dollars. Taylor paid it all in cash!!! Taylor Swift was on the cover of TIME magazine in January 2015. Taylor Swift sang on a Victoria’s Secret Fashion show in November 2014. Taylor Swift was the only woman to ever top herself on Billboard with the same song on the same album!! So far Taylor has won seven Grammy Awards, and six Country Music Association Awards. She has walked away with The Nashville Songwriters Association’s Songwriter or Artist five times!! That is a lot for one artist in only a couple of years of being famous! The Style music video has 30,363,607 views on Youtube in the first 2-3 weeks.
Taylor Swift has 2 cats, one named Meredith Grey and one named Olivia Benson. Taylor’s favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy so she named both of her cats after characters on the show. Did you know that Taylor’s mom named her Taylor because if you saw her name on a business card, you wouldn’t know if it was a boy or a girl? Taylor’s parents assumed she would go into a financial major, but she didn’t! This young popstar’s PRIVATE JET costs around $40 million dollars! Taylor Swift hugs people when she meets them because everybody knows how to hug. Taylor designed her own shoes in 2013 during RED tours. They are called Keds. Taylor’s favorite colors are white, purple, navy blue and glitter colors. Some of her best friends are Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Karlie Kloss, Abigail Anderson and many more. Some of her hobbies are watching movies and songwriting. Taylor Swift has a fear of sea urchins and getting arrested or framed. Along with all this fun information, she is really kind when it comes to fans, charities and wrecks from hurricanes and tornadoes.
She showed her kindness to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal by joining the concert for Sydney’s Sound Relief concert. Taylor Swift donated $100,000 to the Red Cross in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to help the victims of the Iowa flood of 2008. Taylor Swift donated her prom dress, which raised $1,200 for charity, to DonateMyDress.org. In 2009, Taylor performed on BBC’s Children In Need concert and donated $13,000 to the community. In response to the May 2010 Tennessee floods, Taylor donated $500,000 while a flood relief telethon hosted by WSMV a Nashville TV station. Taylor Swift donated one of her signed guitars for a silent auction for a Wounded Warrior Project Benefit Dinner. On May 23, 2011, she performed a benefit concert for victims of recent tornadoes in the United States southeast region. The concert raised more than $750,000. In July 2011, she donated $250,000 to Alabama football coach Nick Saban’s charity Nick’s Kids to aid in the tornado relief efforts of West Alabama. On September 21, 2007, Taylor started a campaign to protect kids from people that are bad online. Taylor teamed up with the Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen to help with her campaign. As you can see, Taylor Swift does many many things for charities.
Taylor Swift is a growing popstar everyone can look up to. Everyday, she gets bigger and bigger. She does a lot of charity work and really respects her fans. These are just some of the many reasons why you should look up to her. Taylor Swift is a great role model.
(Before you do this, take a long hard look at the paragraphs above then come back, do this and DO NOT look back at the paragraphs until you are done.)
(Hint: The shorter lines means it is TRUE. The longer lines mean it is FALSE.)
True Or False?
Taylor Swift’s lucky number is 15. __________.
Taylor Swift’s cat’s names is Olivia and Meredith. _______.
Taylor’s full name is Taylor Alison Swift. _______.
Taylor’s birthday was December 9, 1990. ____________.
Unscramble The Words!
LORTYA _____________
EREMIHTD ____________
IVAILO ___________
CEMEDBRE ____________
LREO DLEOM _______ _______
Answer Key
True Or False?
Taylor Swift’s lucky number is 15. ___False____.
Taylor Swift’s cat’s names is Olivia and Meredith. ___True___.
Taylor’s full name is Taylor Alison Swift. _____True_____
Taylor’s birthday was December 9, 1990. ___False__.
Unscramble The Words!
LORTYA _____________= TAYLOR
IVAILO ___________=OLIVIA
LREO DLEOM _______ _______= ROLE MODEL
Jackson H.
The Tasmanian Devil
The Tasmanian devil is a very unique animal. In this piece you will find out about the background story of the Tasmanian Devil. You will learn about the diet, habitat, sounds, babies, and many fun facts about the Tasmanian devil. First you will learn about their diet. Next, you will find out about the habitat. After that, you will experience the sounds. Then, you will find out about the cute babies. Finally, you will learn the fun facts! What does a Tasmanian devil eat?????????
The Tasmanian devil is a scavenger. A scavenger is an animal that hunts on carrion. Carrion is what is left over of a dead animal. Sadly 60% of the time the Tasmanian devil is ran over by cars. These animals hunt at night and feed it to their young. After a couple of weeks the Tasmanian devil can eat bigger chunks of food. These creatures eat anything dead or they will eat lizards, frogs, and snakes. Tasmanian devils are not picky eaters. The Tasmanian devil will eat every kind of meat there is. Is there a meat they don’t like? NO. Tasmanian devil diets are amazing! But which part of their habitat will they go to in order to feast?
The Tasmanian Devil lives in Tasmania. They used to live all over Australia, but people hunted down these poor critters. The Tasmanian devil can live in a hollow log, a old den, or any old hole. The Tasmanian devil is the only rodent that screeches when protecting a home. The home of a Tasmanian devil is a forest with plenty of logs and 1-2 streams to hunt fish. After a hunt, a Tasmanian devil will go to a part of the habitat with her den. The Tasmanian devil’s trip pays off but how will it defend itself?
The Tasmanian devil defends itself from predators by screeching at other animals. The Tasmanian devil sounds like a bear. That leads to the reason why they call it the Tasmanian Devil.
The Tasmanian devil is a very scary creature, to other people. But they have the cutest babies!!!
This is a baby Tasmanian devil
Tasmanian devil babies are very cute creatures. These animals are being hunted because people are scared. Should you be scared? NO! You would not be afraid of a 5 pound cutie. These Tasmanian devils are not going to lay a finger on you.
Now that you know about the Tasmanian devil features, they're are some fun facts to learn about.These animals are able to run 25 km/h.These one of a kind critters can rip through bone in
2 seconds, I don’t think you would want to have these creatures running around.
With a bone chilling screech, funky habitat, weird diet, curious babies, and fun facts, THE TASMANIAN DEVIL IS THE COOLEST ANIMAL EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Mickey C.

Table of Contents
What is a Lamborghini?
What does it look like?
How much does it cost?
The speed
Have you ever seen a Lamborghini?
Lamborghinis are fast, cool looking cars that will blow your mind. These cars have been used in a bunch of racing leagues. In this book it will teach you all the cool facts about Lamborghinis!
This is a picture of a Lamborghini at the New York auto show. |
What is a Lamborghini?
This is a Green Lamborghini ready to race. |
A Lamborghini is a awesome and fast sports car. This is a racing car and you rarely see them on the road. These are one of the fastest cars in the world. These cars have been used in a lot of racing competitions like Daytona 500 and NASCAR.
This car can come in any color in the world which is very cool. They also have a lot of different models to choose from.
What does it look like?
These cars aren't so big, they only fit 2 people. They are also very low to the ground, which makes it go fast. The Lamborghini logo is a golden bull with a black background. Like this picture, and also on the trunk it says Lamborghini in script. Most Lamborghinis also have a tail, which is the extended part on the back of the trunk.

These cars have very small trunks, most of the time it is because they are convertible and the top folds back into the trunk.
These cars have very small trunks, most of the time it is because they are convertible and the top folds back into the trunk.
How Much Does It Cost?
These cars are very expensive. An average Lamborghini would cost 950,000 dollars. Also the the newest models cost 1.3 million dollars. That’s a lot for a car!
This is the newest model of Lamborghini. |
But for older models like the Lamborghini “Dino”. That one cost 400,000 dollars. That is still a lot! You won’t see these very often because most of the time they're used for racing.
The Speed
These cars are some of the fastest car in the world.
Most of these models go over 360 mph. This is one of the fastest car. They also use these cars for work. For example they use them for police cars.
The fastest model is the “Veneno” and newest. But the “Dino” is the speed of an average car and looks very sporty. There are three pedals in these cars, the emergency brake, the brake, and the gas pedal.
Dino Convertible: A car with a moveable top
Lamborghini Model: A type of car
Kacper D.
Jack the Crazy Rider!
Have you ever been on a crazy super fast roller coaster? Well, let me tell you about a boy named Jack who loves to ride crazy roller coasters.
One hot summer Jack went to a place called Disney World. He liked the place so much he wanted to own it. What he loved most about this place were the roller coasters. When he went on it for the first time he was so scared he wanted to scream his lungs out. After the first ride all his fears turned into crazy good feeling and he became a regular rider. His favorite roller coaster was called Rockin' Roller Coaster. It was a really fast limo. First you go in a really fast circle while the loud music is screaming in your ears. It is really obnoxious and fun. For some reason he wanted to go on it again. When he went on the ride again, it was really awesome and that's how he became Jack the crazy rider!
One day, during this awesome trip, when Jack was walking in one of the Disney parks, he spotted something green on the ground! He found a five dollar bill but there was nobody around to give it back to. He decided to keep it and bought himself a delicious footlong hot dog. This was another fantastic day at Disney World.
Before Jack went home he got a lot of souvenirs from the trip to Disney to remember the first awesomeness of Disney World. He thinks the souvenirs brought him a lot of good luck since then. To prove this point, when he was fishing one day he caught a sea star. The sea star won the pet contest at Jack’s school in 4th grade against a shark, and even an elephant!
As you can see Jack had an awesome trip, trying things for the first time not knowing how much he would love them!
Tyler W.
Don’t Do This
Excerpt from Football
When you are playing football, you might get tackled hard from a player on the other team and you might get hurt. If you catch the ball wrong you might get a fumble.
The word fumble means when another player hits the ball out of the player’s hand while running the ball, and that’s when the ball might fall out of the player’s hand. That’s when the fumble starts. If you keep on blocking the other team, the other team will not score a touchdown.
Penelope F.
Harriet Tubman and
The Underground Railroad
Excerpt from Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman ran away from her master and didn’t get caught. If you were a slave, and you ran away, you definitely wouldn’t want to be caught! Slaves who were caught got severely punished. Slaves were whipped, starved and treated very badly.
Wanted signs were signs put on trees that gave information about a runaway slave and how much reward money would be given to whoever found that slave. Harriet Tubman's husband and brother ripped wanted signs off the trees so she would not be at risk of getting caught.
Some slaves were very good at disguises, a talent that helped them avoid getting caught. Another way slaves escaped was by hiding in a box that was taken onto ships. There was a slave who hid in a box and almost died! But slaves would do whatever they needed to do to become free.
Eleanor W.
Catchy colors
Excerpt from ART
You may know colors as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. But actually they are more than you think.
Some catchy colors are on the color wheel. The color wheel is full of amazing colors! There are also some catchy colors called complementary colors. Complementary colors are the partners for primary colors. COOL!!! But what are primary colors? Primary colors are the colors that when you mix together you get the complementary colors. I know what you're thinking confusing, let's simplify. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The complementary colors are orange, green, and purple. When you mix red with yellow you get orange, the last primary color is blue so the first color group is blue and orange. Now mix blue and yellow for a change. Together they make green, the last primary color is red, so green’s partner is red. Finally mix red and blue. They make purple so are last group is yellow and purple. Now you see that colors are not as simple as the rainbow.
Maya S.
Owls Vs. Eagles
Owls and Eagles have many things in common. But they have many differences as well.
Owls and Eagles are the same in many ways. They both have wings. Wings are used to fly. Owls also lay eggs, can fly, and have talons. Talons are like claws but they are a little bit less sharp. Owls and Eagles both live in trees.
Owls can turn their head almost all the way around! Owls can almost turn their head all the way upside down too!There are more than 112 types of Owls. Owls go to sleep in the day and they can see in the night which makes owls nocturnal.
Eagles can see in the day and sleep in the night like people. Unlike the owl, they sleep in the night. The bald eagle is the nation state bird.
Now you know Owls and eagles differences and similarities.
Luis M.
Basketball 101
Excerpt from Basketball
Professional basketball and kids basketball have many things in common but they have many differences as well.
Both professional and kids basketball have the same equipment. They use a basketball, uniform, and a hoop. A hoop is what you use to score points. They both use the same amount of players.
Both pro and kids basketball are not alike. Pro basketball does not have a little hoop. Kids basketball game has four quarters and pro basketball has 12 minutes per quarter. Quarters are when each team takes a break. The coach can switch players.
Lucy C.
The Pros and Cons of Horseback Riding
Excerpt from Horseback Riding
If you like animals, horseback riding is going to be a good activity for you. Riding is not the only thing you learn how to do when learning to be an equestrian. You also learn how to care for and spend time with your important animal.
Some of the pros of horseback riding include the fact that horseback riding can help you become more alert, focused, and relaxed all at the same time. Horseback riding helps with becoming more confident in yourself and your horse. However, there are areas that are challenging in horseback riding.
Some of the cons of horseback riding include the fact that you can get seriously hurt if you are thrown or fall off a horse. Breaking bones is very common. It is important to remember that not all horses are gentle. Additionally, horseback riding can be very expensive if you decide to lease or own a horse. The fees for stalls, feed, care and the vet can be quite large. The shows are also quite expensive and time consuming
These are just some of the pros and cons of horseback riding. Using some of these pros and cons will help you make a good decision whether horseback riding is right for you.
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