Welcome to Super Scribes & Scribblers, featuring the writing and artwork of the students at Samuel Staples Elementary School. We are excited to share our work with you! Please understand that we are learning the rules of spelling and grammar and are trying the best we can.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Jessica W.

Jenna’s Tough Day

Jenna walked in the classroom and quietly shut the door, not to disturb anyone working. Jenna unpacked her stuff and went to her desk.  As she sat, she felt the bumpy seat touch her skin. “Ok boys and girls we are going to start reading our books and describing the character,” said Ms. Jeney. Jenna closed her homework book and started reading her favorite book, Rules. “Jenna can I see you for a minute,” said Ms. Jeney. “Sure.” Jenna said as she touched her light blonde hair twirling it in between her fingers. “So Jenna, I heard you were having struggles with math and writing?” “Yeah why?” “Well there is going to be a teacher that will take you out of class to work with you. Her name is Ms. Noman.” Jenna wondered if anyone was going to make fun of her and if the teacher was going to be nice. “Um, can I meet her?” asked Jenna. “Sure, go ahead,” said Ms. Jeney.

  As Jenna was walking she was getting very nervous that the teacher would be mean and give out hard work for her. Jenna stepped into the classroom. “Hi are you Jenna?” asked Ms. Noman. “Yeah.” “Well come on in, this is my classroom.” said Ms. Noman. “Yea, um, I like it a lot.” exclaimed Jenna. “Thanks honey, you can go back to the classroom and I will come and get you soon,” said Ms. Noman.
Jenna walked back thinking wow her room is very pretty and she’s really nice. As she was walking she also was thinking about people making fun of her.
“Hi Jenna how was it?” said Ms. Jeney. “Good,” Jenna exclaimed. “So let’s get started with math,” said Ms. Jeney. “Ben and Peter you can work together, Libby and Samantha you can work together, Katie and Jenna you girls can work together, and Kailey and Shelby you can work together.”
Jenna thought, OH MY GOSH how am I ever going to work with Katie she is so mean to me. “Ok boys and girls do the problems I wrote on the board. said Ms. Jeney. “Do 26 x 53 Jenna,” said Katie as she chewed and snapped the gum in her mouth. “Well, um, I don’t really know how,” said Jenna. “Why not you baby?” “I don’t really know I have trouble with math.” “Jenna Ms. Noman is here for you,” said Ms. Jeney. “Ok.” I whispered.

“Hi.” Jenna said. “Well hello.” So we are going to do writing and math,” said Ms. Noman. Jenna went into the room and sat down on the chair. “Here’s your math sheet that you can work on.” “It’s simple like 5x2 , 6x8, 2x8, and a couple other problems.” said Ms. Noman. Jenna worked and worked and finally Jenna was finished with the math.
“Here’s your writing,” said Ms. Noman. “Thanks!” Jenna said. “I don’t really get this,” cried Jenna. “Ok let me help you,” she exclaimed. “All you have to do is come up with good juicy words and use the five senses,” said Ms. Noman. Jenna was working really hard still thinking if anyone would make fun of her. “I’m almost finished just 1 more question.” The question was make up 2 sentences with big detail and to use juicy words. “I’m finished,” Jenna yelled. “Ok let me correct your paper,” she said. Ms. Noman scrolled through it and boom she was done. “Great job honey you got them all right! You may leave now Jenna.” “Ok bye, thank you.”

Jenna walked back to the class, opened the door and went to her desk hearing little giggles as she sat down. Jenna’s face burned like hot lava. It was true people were actually making fun of her.
“Boys and girls I need to be somewhere for about 5 min.,” said Ms. Jeney. “I expect each and every one of you to be very good.” Jenna’s face got even more red knowing now that Ms.Jeney wasn’t going to be there.  She just knew people were going to be mean to her.
“Wow so I heard that Jenna has to go out of the classroom and work with a teacher on writing and math,” exclaimed Peter. “I bet she doesn’t even know 2+2,” announced Libby. Right at that moment Jenna wanted to cry, but her tears wouldn’t fall out. “Stop bullying Jenna!” Kailey said. “Yea it’s not nice, what if you had to get pulled out and work on stuff with a teacher?” Samantha shouted. “Well, we don’t have to,” they yelled back.
“Thanks guys I appreciate your help,” Jenna whispered. The teacher just walked back into the room and everybody was silent. “Alright boys and girls thank you for being so kind and doing what you're supposed to do.  Now you can just peaceful read at your desks until we start something new.” said Ms.Jeney.

Kailey stood up and tip-toed to the teachers desk. “What’s up Kailey?” asked Ms. Jeney. “Can I talk to you outside, please?” “Sure.”
Kailey explained to Ms. Jeney that people are bullying Jenna and she feels bad for her.  It bothered Kailey a lot because they were best friends. Ms. Jeney had Kailey go get Jenna so they could talk.  
“Jenna can you come here?” asked Kailey. They both walked into the hallway. “Hi Jenna, I heard that people were bullying you.” “Yeah because I got pulled out of the class to do writing and math.” “Who was bullying you?” asked Ms. Jeney. “It was Katie, Libby, and Peter.” said Jenna. “Allright I will talk to them.”
So Jenna walked back into the class thinking hopefully people won’t make fun of her anymore. “Peter, Katie, and Libby can I talk to you for a minute.” “You guys are making fun of Jenna and how she has to do her writing and math with a teacher,” mumbled Ms. Jeney. “You better say you’re sorry and be nice to her or there will be consequences.” she said in her loud angry voice. Their faces all reddened and thoughts of getting in trouble started to worry them.  “Ok, we’re sorry,” they all whispered. “Don’t say it to me, say it to Jenna more sincerely,” exclaimed Ms. Jeney.
The three of them were full of mixed emotions, mad that they got in trouble and sad that they made Jenna feel bad about herself. They walked back into the classroom and said, “I’m really sorry about what we did to you; we really didn’t mean to make fun of you and hurt your feelings.  We all have something that we need help with,” Libby muttered.  “Yeah,” Peter and Katie said. “Thanks I appreciate that,” Jenna whispered.

From then on Jenna didn’t mind when she had to go work with Ms. Noman.  She was happy that the other children didn’t make fun of her.  They were all friends again.  

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